USC Trojans launch first-ever Cookies CBD partnership
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
Leafly’s September hemp report has novel cannabinews you can use. The post USC Trojans launch first-ever Cookies CBD partnership appeared first on Leafly.
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
Leafly’s September hemp report has novel cannabinews you can use. The post USC Trojans launch first-ever Cookies CBD partnership appeared first on Leafly.
Medical Marijuana Pages
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
California Hemp New Restrictions on THC Drinks and Gummies. California’s thriving hemp industry is under scrutiny as new regulations on THC-infused drinks and gummies take effect. These products, popular for their perceived wellness benefits, are now facing restrictions aimed at curbing their widespread availability. The legislation, signed into law earlier.
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Illinois News Joint
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
The 5th Annual Hemp Cannabis Symposium , sponsored by the Southern Illinois University Cannabis Science Center , is set to start at 8 a.m. Sept. 27 at the Mclafferty Annex , home of the SIU Illinois Food, Entrepreneurship, Research and Manufacturing (iFERM) Hub of the Illinois Innovation Network. Exhibitor space, sponsorships, and tickets are still available.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
Religion is often a topic best skirted; a subject at the center of so many debates that have little sway on any given side. Yet, every so often, a statement is made that is so egregious as to taunt neutrality, especially considering its prominent position pinned to the vulnerable sleeve of religion. In this case, we’re referring to a comment made by conservative radio personality Gordon Klingenschmitt.
Speaker: Jonathan Bench, International Cannabis and Securities Business Attorney at Harris Bricken
The U.S. cannabis industry is still in its infancy, even though states began engaging with legalization in one form or another in the late 1990s. Today, many opportunities exist for individuals and businesses that want to engage in the industry. Some want to directly own licensed businesses, while others prefer to keep the industry at an arm’s length and merely profit from it.
The Fresh Toast
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
New Data About Cancer And Cannabis New data bout cancer and cannabis give physicians and researchers information about how to talk with patients. The post New Data About Cancer And Cannabis appeared first on The Fresh Toast.
Medical Cannabis Brief brings together the best content for patients and advocates from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
MMJ Recs
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
Grasping Virginia’s medical marijuana (MMJ) laws can be confusing, especially when it comes to the role of primary caregivers. So one of the key questions here is, do primary caregivers need an MMJ card in Virginia? As the landscape for medical cannabis evolves, knowing the requirements, responsibilities, and legal implications of being an MMJ caregiver in Virginia makes the difference.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
While my own grandmother goes into a wild panic at the thought of vaping lavender , a significant percentage of seniors are beginning to consider trading in their opiates for cannabis. A study published in 2016 used a survey of nearly 50,000 participants to determine that people over the age of 65 had shown a 250% increase in marijuana usage. A CDC report published the same year showed an even more grandiose 333% increase in cannabis use among seniors exceeding 65 years of age.
Canna Law Blog
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
Register Here The cannabis industry is struggling. High taxes, market saturation and competition from outside sources have created a challenging business environment. Unfortunately, when a marijuana business fails, bankruptcy protection is off the table. As a result, the business is left with two options: to liquidate without court supervision, or state-court receivership.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
As the popularity of concentrates continues to rise, so does the ingenuity behind dabbing devices. Concentrates have become popular for good reason. The cannabinoids that give marijuana its medicinal and recreational effects (such as THC and CBD) are packed into concentrates and sometimes accompanied by terpenes. Terpenes are the compounds that give marijuana its smell, flavor, and more specifically tailored effects.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
On the eve of her birthday, Chelsea Handler, known mostly for her popular t.v. show that ran from 2004 up until last year, decided to do something that she's been planning to do for the past 10 years.get her California medical marijuana card. The former Chelsea Lately host took to Twitter this past Tuesday, to show legal proof that she is in fact, a marijuana advocate of her word.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
Midst the scrutiny of of more than a dozen residents that were set to oppose medical marijuana dispensaries in Las Vegas this past Wednesday(10/29/14), council members finally approved the the city's first medical marijuana applicant. This was one of 26 total dispensaries approved by City Council members, more than doubling the number set aside originally by Nevada Regulators.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
As cannabis legalization becomes more commonplace, legal states find themselves confronted with the conundrum of laws pertaining to driving with open weed containers. These laws are often vague and open to interpretation, caught up in a perplexing gray area far from the concrete guidelines that shape open container laws for alcohol. The laws addressing open weed containers vary slightly among the legal states.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
The idea of smoking marijuana to overcome addiction may read less like “fighting fire with fire” and more like “out of the frying pan and into the fire”; whatever the case, blazing is involved. But there’s actually a substantial amount of research backing the claim that cannabis can aid in battling addiction to alcohol and harder drugs and, yes, this research goes beyond your roommate who used a glass pipe to help him toss out his last pack of Marlboro’s.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
Weed shops across the country have many battles to face on a regular basis. Limited advertising has always been one of them. That issue has been compounded recently by social media restrictions that have emerged and hindered the way that weed shops communicate with their customers. Facebook in particular has presented itself to be a problem in this department with its latest actions involving shutting down the pages of legal weed shops in Alaska that are attempting to make themselves known and a
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
In a recent report from the Statesman Journal, Oregon officials have been contemplating on a new software development that would track marijuana plants from seed to sale. The need for weed software comes at a time when Oregon, poised from the newly passing of Measure 91, has to meet regulatory requirements similar to Washington and Colorado. The first main reason why Oregon needs to track their marijuana was issued directly from the U.S.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
What kind of business can your dispensary expect from this year’s 420 celebration? You know it’s going to be busy but just how busy? There are so many factors at play and the future’s far from written but most dispensaries are battening down the hatches for what’s bound to be America’s biggest 420 ever. California’s entry into the recreational sales market is a huge factor in predictions for a record breaking April.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
If you regularly keep up on weed news, you’ve probably heard a bit about the new Netflix marijuana strains that were available last weekend as part of a promotion for their original comedy series Disjointed. It’s a highly creative marketing strategy for pushing a TV show. If only that level of creativity had been applied to the show itself. While it’s always a welcome opportunity when a show attempts to normalize the use of weed, Disjointed may not be the best example of this, sadly.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
It seems the world is abuzz with the possibilities offered by cryptocurrency. For the unfamiliar, cryptocurrency is a digital form of currency that features no central location or institution, such as a bank. Security is kept extremely tight through complex cryptography. Aside from being a hot investment, cryptocurrency has also been touted as a possible solution to the cannabis industry’s “cash only” headaches.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
As we get closer to probable full scale legalization in 5 states, including the key state of California, I’ve noticed that the adversity to legalization is starting to push back with everything they can muster. In most cases, that’s not very much. Regardless, in writing this week’s blog, I didn’t really want to give too much energy to the provider of prison food donating to campaigns that fight to keep marijuana illegal in Arizona or the gross misuse of tax payer dollars and resources in using
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
Entire Cannabis Industry Wins with Lawsuit Verdict in Favor of Colorado Grower A long-brewing lawsuit that carried heavy implications for the cannabis industry as a whole came to a head this week when a federal judge ruled in favor of defendant Canna Craft Grow House. The cannabis grower was being sued by Meadows Legacy Horse Ranch, situated a quarter mile from the growery.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
It’s not quite the classic tale of the nuns fighting to save the monastery but rather a modern spin on that tale: two “women of the cloth” taking a courageous stand against the city council of Merced, California in the hopes of keeping their humble business intact. But that humble business is the manufacturing of cannabidiol oil and other marijuana-based products from a small crop of cannabis plants growing in the women’s garage.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
With dispensaries set to open in Hawaii this July, famed actor and marijuana enthusiast Woody Harrelson has officially jumped on the legal marijuana bandwagon, announcing his bid among 60 + other candidates, for Hawaii's first licensed marijuana business. Known mostly for his antics on screen with characters ranging from happy-go-lucky streetballer to more recent endeavors as seasoned survivor turned whisky sipping pawn for the now infamous Hunger Games franchise, the 54 year old actor is taking
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
If you're a cannabis connoisseur over the age of 21 and fortunate enough to live in Colorado, your next trip to the gas station could get conveniently interesting. With eleven compliant medical and recreational stores located throughout the Centennial state, Native Roots, a well recognized Colorado marijuana dispensary, recently expanded their brand name last month by way of facilitating it's twelfth and thirteenth store locations, to the surprise of skeptics, in the petroleum sector.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
No intelligent proponent of marijuana legalization would argue against the necessity for warning labels on edibles. But as more states opt for legalization, a predictable cry for stricter warning labels on edibles has been issued in states where cannabis has been legalized. While many of these proposals come from educated members of the community aiming for clarity, uniformity, and order, others are obviously built on bad information and motivated by fear.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a…marijuana bud? ResponsibleOhio, a group committed to the legalizing marijuana in the state of Ohio, introduced the world to Buddie, the caped cannabis crusader. Buddie, a disturbingly congenial anthropomorphic marijuana bud, serves as the awkwardly grinning face of ResponsibleOhio’s Issue 3 initiative to legalize marijuana in the state of Ohio.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
As if Colorado isn't getting enough publicity these days by being the first of two states to successfully legalize and regulate cannabis, now Hollywood wants in on the action. TruTv has ordered a pilot for the first TV series about Colorado marijuana business since legalization. The initial pilot is titled Medicine Man, and will center around the Williams family and their investment in Medicine Man Marijuana Dispensary in Colorado.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
In late 2014, the Journal of Chromatography published a study with the lengthy title " Multidimensional analysis of cannabis volatile constituents: identification of 5,5-dimethyl-1-vinylbicyclo[2.1.1]hexane as a volatile marker of hashish, the resin of Cannabis sativa L. ". Sprung from an attempt to invent technology capable of exposing illicit materials without the aid of sniffer canines, the research disclosed information about a new terpenoid that the scientists had stumbled upon.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
In early 2016, news outlets started lighting up with the acknowledgement of a handful of U.S. based companies that allowed, if not outright suggested, getting high on weed at work to help move past creative blocks that hindered productivity. The idea of the artist getting high to chase his or her muse is nothing new but the application of such socially controversial practices in the stoic workplace of modern America is jarring to the status quo.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
You may have seen the recent news that set the 420 community abuzz (sorry, couldn’t help myself) that a French renaissance man claims to have actually trained bees to naturally manufacture a sweet psychoactive substance fittingly dubbed “cannahoney”. Those of us not well versed in etymology or botany may take this news at face value, momentarily interested in the novelty of a hive of bees trained to produce natural marijuana edibles.
Marijuana Packaging
SEPTEMBER 23, 2024
As Coachella music festival comes around again, the question of marijuana has emerged. This is the first year that recreational marijuana is legal in the state of California after voters approved a measure to legalize it in last November’s election. Despite this, it is still banned from being brought in to Coachella much to many people’s disappointment.
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