Is CBD Toxic to the Liver?
Project CBD
JULY 11, 2019
The huge popularity of cannabidiol ( CBD ), a non-intoxicating component of cannabis , has helped to destigmatize the plant and restore its reputation as an important medicinal herb.
Project CBD
JULY 11, 2019
The huge popularity of cannabidiol ( CBD ), a non-intoxicating component of cannabis , has helped to destigmatize the plant and restore its reputation as an important medicinal herb.
JULY 23, 2019
Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (NY) introduced The Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement (MORE) Act. The Senate companion bill is carried by Senator Kamala Harris (CA). “After nearly a century of prohibition, it is clear this policy has been an absolute failure and a national disgrace. All we have to show for the war we have waged on marijuana is the egregious harms it has wrought upon tens-of-millions of our fellow citizens.
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JULY 24, 2019
The FDA's warning letter to Curaleaf wasn't about the CBD products. It was about the CBD health claims. The post FDA Puts America on Notice: Stop Touting CBD Claims appeared first on Leafly.
JULY 4, 2019
It comes as a surprise to absolutely no one that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is not a fan of drugs or legalization. Despite mounting evidence into cannabis’ therapeutic benefits, the DEA continues to close its eyes and plug its ears, constantly claiming that there is not enough research to support its medicinal value, according to Marijuana Moment.
Speaker: Jonathan Bench, International Cannabis and Securities Business Attorney at Harris Bricken
The U.S. cannabis industry is still in its infancy, even though states began engaging with legalization in one form or another in the late 1990s. Today, many opportunities exist for individuals and businesses that want to engage in the industry. Some want to directly own licensed businesses, while others prefer to keep the industry at an arm’s length and merely profit from it.
Cannabis Chronicles
JULY 19, 2019
Recent customers at Main Street Marijuana in Vancouver’s Uptown Village neighborhood have likely noticed a new set of signs prominently displayed in some of the store’s display cases. They’re hard to miss: a giant red OK logo on a black background. The signs come from an industry-led program called OK Cannabis, which offers testing services to detect pesticides and heavy metals in cannabis end products — the type of fully processed and packaged goods that consumers will find on store shelves.
Medical Cannabis Brief brings together the best content for patients and advocates from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
JULY 20, 2019
Asperger syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder which belongs to the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as of 2013. According to CDC, Continue Reading. The post Medical Marijuana for Aspergers: Diagnosis, Research & Treatment appeared first on Greencamp.
JULY 31, 2019
An Arizona State University examined 200 brain scans from adults who used cannabis in their youth. They found 'no lasting effects.'. The post Study Finds Youth Cannabis Use Not Linked to Adult Brain Structure appeared first on Leafly.
Project CBD
JULY 24, 2019
Rugby is a physically demanding sport that requires both mental focus and a high tolerance for pain. It’s a full-contact tackle sport with no pads and no helmets, and the game flows freely with few stoppages – meaning continuous sprinting and collisions throughout the full 80 minutes of the match.
JULY 1, 2019
Three new laws intended to expand patient access to and the therapeutic value of Virginia’s medical cannabis program take effect July 1, 2019. “Patient access is critical to the success of Virginia’s medical cannabis program,” said Jenn Michelle Pedini, NORML’s development director and executive director of Virginia NORML. “These bills help ensure that all patients are able to obtain and use the necessary therapeutic doses of their cannabis medicines regardles
Project CBD
JULY 17, 2019
Transcript: [This activist is the reason you know about CBD. Now he’s telling the history behind the cannabinoid.
JULY 26, 2019
Federal officials have approved plans for the University of Mississippi to grow 2,000 kilograms (4,409 pounds) of cannabis to provide to investigators for clinical trial research. Since 1968, the University of Mississippi farm , which is governed by the US National Institute on Drug Abuse, has held the only available federal license to legally cultivate cannabis for FDA-approved research in the United States.
The Fresh Toast
JULY 24, 2019
If you are part of the 20% of Americans facing chronic pain and you haven’t yet turned to marijuana as an option, here’s what you need to know about the way medical marijuana can help you deal with pain. Continue reading 5 Ways Medical Marijuana Can Help You Deal With Chronic Pain at The Fresh Toast.
Cannabis Law Report
JULY 4, 2019
Ganjapreneur reports. New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy has signed the medical cannabis expansion bill which will increase the number of industry licenses in the state, allow for home delivery, and lowers the threshold for patients to qualify for the program, according to an NBC4 report. The Democratic governor had backed the expansion plan after lawmakers were unable to legalize cannabis for adult use during the session.
Cannabis Law Report
JULY 12, 2019
This report (abstract below) asks if Epidiolex is as efficient a drug as the manufacturer believes it to be. By: James Holley, Molecular Biologist, Scientific Officer, Mike Robinson, Co-founder, Research Institute, and Dr. David Ostrow, M.D., Research Director. International Cannabinoid Cancer Research Institute (Draft 5). With review by: (Pending) (This is not the Final Draft).
The NM Political Report | Medical Cannabis Program
JULY 12, 2019
The New Mexico Department of Health on Friday heard public testimony from medical cannabis patients, patient advocates and cannabis producers about proposed changes to the Medical Cannabis Program. More than 30 people shared their thoughts about a new proposed plant limit, increased producer fees and extending the life of patients’ medical cannabis cards.
Project CBD
JULY 31, 2019
In 1997, Will Foster, then 38, was sentenced to 93 years in an Oklahoma state prison for growing a small cannabis garden in a locked bomb shelter under his home in Tulsa.
JULY 29, 2019
Delaware NORML opens the third annual Weedstock Music Festival on Friday August 16th at Firebase Lloyd in Townsend. What started as a local fundraiser for marijuana legalization efforts has matured into an important cultural event. Over three days Weedstock features more than 20 hours of live music from bands across the region, overnight camping, delicious food trucks, inspiring activism speeches, friendly vendors and volunteers from passionate community organizations.
MJ Business Attorneys
JULY 24, 2019
Areas that have approved the sale of cannabis still deal with a “gray market” where legal and illegal marijuana markets coexist. It is a scenario that frustrates legal cannabis businesses and law enforcement alike. The surge in cannabis policy reform across the country and world may have caused many to anticipate a heavy blow to illegal operators, and black-market activity did experience an initial decline.
JULY 31, 2019
A cannabis retailer near the Massachusetts–New York border says New Yorkers make up more than half of its customers. Other shops are seeing similar patterns. The post The Massachusetts Cannabis Market Is Booming—Thanks to New York appeared first on Leafly.
Puff Puff Post
JULY 8, 2019
Study Offers Insight Into Adult Athletes’ Relationship to Cannabis and its Potential for Pain Management. BOULDER, Colo. – July 8, 2019 /Canna Newswire/ – The Colorado-based Canna Research Group developed The Athlete Pain, Exercise, and Cannabis Experience (PEACE) Survey study for active adults to look beyond the stigma of cannabis use in athletes.
Canna Law Blog
JULY 21, 2019
The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (“ 2018 Farm Bill ”) legalized hemp by removing the crop and its derivatives from the definition of marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act (“CSA”) and by providing a detailed framework for the cultivation of hemp. The 2018 Farm Bill gives the US Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) regulatory authority over hemp cultivation at the federal level.
Project CBD
JULY 3, 2019
The back door is making a comeback - medically speaking. Cannabis oil suppositories have grown in popularity, but how and to what extent they actually work remains somewhat of a mystery.
JULY 10, 2019
Members of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security heard expert testimony today challenging the federal government’s failed policy of cannabis prohibition. The hearing, entitled “Marijuana Laws in America: Racial Justice and the Need for Reform,” debated the merits of various alternative policy options – including abolishing cannabis’ longstanding Schedule I criminal status under federal law.
MJ Business Attorneys
JULY 29, 2019
As the U.S. market for CBD continues to skyrocket and companies competing in the cannabis space become more developed, they are being held back by the slow federal regulatory response at the Food and Drug Administration. On Monday, July 22, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration sent a letter to Curaleaf Holdings CEO Joseph Lusardi warning that the company’s products were misbranded as having specific health benefits.
JULY 30, 2019
Which produces better cannabis, hydroponics or soil? Even though it may be more expensive initially, hydro has many benefits in the long run. The post Opinion: Why Growing With Hydroponics Is Better Than Soil appeared first on Leafly.
Puff Puff Post
JULY 8, 2019
Study Offers Insight Into Adult Athletes’ Relationship to Cannabis and its Potential for Pain Management. BOULDER, Colo. – July 8, 2019 /Canna Newswire/ – The Colorado-based Canna Research Group developed The Athlete Pain, Exercise, and Cannabis Experience (PEACE) Survey study for active adults to look beyond the stigma of cannabis use in athletes.
Canna Law Blog
JULY 8, 2019
California is on the brink of legalizing hemp-derived cannabidiol (“Hemp CBD”) in many products—well, sort of. The law at issue is Assembly Bill 228 (“AB-228”), and I’ve been writing about it since it was introduced in January 2019 (for my posts on it, see here , here , and here ). As of today, it’s made its way through the California Assembly and most of the way through the California Senate with very little resistance.
Project CBD
JULY 24, 2019
Athletes for CARE is a nonprofit created by current and former professional athletes dedicated to using their influence for social change. They aim to protect the health and wellbeing of current and former athletes around the world.
JULY 30, 2019
The use of cannabis during adolescence is not associated with structural brain differences in adulthood, according to longitudinal data published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Investigators from Arizona State University and the University of Pittsburgh assessed the impact of adolescent cannabis exposure on brain morphology in adulthood.
MJ Business Attorneys
JULY 18, 2019
Amidst unclear rules and regulations surrounding CBD imports, Guam has ended its extrajudicial seizure of CBD products entering the country. Governor Lou Leon Guerrero announced on Friday that the products that have been intercepted and held by the territory’s Customs and Quarantine Agency will be released. The Agency began seizing cannabidiol products shipped to the territory in February after the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized the cultivation and sale of hemp and hemp pro
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