Can Hemp-Derived Cannabinoid Supplementation Help in Recovery from TBI?
Cannabis Maven
MARCH 5, 2019
First Clinical Study Assessing Hemp-Derived Cannabinoid Supplementation in Recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury begins.
Cannabis Maven
MARCH 5, 2019
First Clinical Study Assessing Hemp-Derived Cannabinoid Supplementation in Recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury begins.
Cannabis Chronicles
MARCH 4, 2019
Grace DeNoya is used to getting snickers when people learn she’s majoring in marijuana. “My friends make good-natured jokes about getting a degree in weed,” said DeNoya, one of the first students in a new four-year degree program in medicinal plant chemistry at Northern Michigan University. “I say, ‘No, it’s a serious degree, a chemistry degree first and foremost.
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The Fresh Toast
MARCH 3, 2019
The Amazing Link Between CBD And PTSD PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is a psychological ailment that is beginning to gain the attention of CBD researchers. The post The Amazing Link Between CBD And PTSD appeared first on The Fresh Toast.
MARCH 5, 2019
The state-licensed cannabis industry gained over 64,000 new employees in 2018, and now employs over 200,000 full-time workers, according to data compiled by Whitney Economics and the online content provider Commenting on the new findings, NORML Executive Director Erik Altieri said, “The federal government needs to deschedule marijuana to allow states to better and more fully benefit from the economic growth engine that is the legal marijuana industry.
Speaker: Jonathan Bench, International Cannabis and Securities Business Attorney at Harris Bricken
The U.S. cannabis industry is still in its infancy, even though states began engaging with legalization in one form or another in the late 1990s. Today, many opportunities exist for individuals and businesses that want to engage in the industry. Some want to directly own licensed businesses, while others prefer to keep the industry at an arm’s length and merely profit from it.
Project CBD
MARCH 8, 2019
In recent years, the use of cannabis in veterinary medicine has gone from obscure concept to a mainstream issue. This explosion of interest in the use of cannabis and CBD for animals has led to the development of a multi-million dollar industry creating cannabis-based products for pets. As so often happens, however, public demand is a few steps ahead of the medical and legal establishment.
Medical Cannabis Brief brings together the best content for patients and advocates from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
MARCH 6, 2019
A new online patient registration system promises quick turnaround times, often within a day. The post Hawaii Dispensaries Can Now Serve Out-of-State Cannabis Patients appeared first on Leafly.
MARCH 7, 2019
Tulsi Gabbard is a Member of Congress representing Hawaii’s 2nd district. Our archaic and outdated marijuana laws are turning everyday Americans into criminals. Every day, the economic and social impacts of marijuana prohibition are having devastating effects on communities across the country. That is why in 2017 I introduced the first-ever bipartisan bill that would end the federal prohibition of marijuana by removing it from the Controlled Substances Act.
The Fresh Toast
MARCH 5, 2019
Diabetes And Marijuana: Here’s What The Plant Can Do To Help The cruel fact seems to be that habitual cannabis users take in more calories and yet are less inclined toward obesity and diabetes. The post Diabetes And Marijuana: Here’s What The Plant Can Do To Help appeared first on The Fresh Toast.
MARCH 5, 2019
In a joint effort, two state representatives submitted legislation to legalize, regulate, and tax a recreational cannabis market in Florida. Rep. Michael Grieco, D-Miami Beach, and Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith, D-Orlando, co-sponsored the 58-page proposal, known as HB 1117 , which was filed in the Florida House Tuesday, February 26. “With bipartisan efforts in criminal justice reform reaching new levels this year, it is the right time for Florida to start having a real conversation about le
MARCH 6, 2019
Match your skill set, nail the interview, embrace change: five tips from a professional cannabis recruiter. The post How To Get Hired in the Cannabis Industry appeared first on Leafly.
MARCH 8, 2019
A bipartisan coalition of more than 100 co-sponsors has reintroduced legislation in Congress, The Secure and Fair Enforcement Banking Act (SAFE Banking Act), HR 1595 , to allow state-licensed marijuana-related businesses to engage freely in relationships with banks and other financial institutions. Click here to send a message to your member of Congress and urge them to cosponsor the bill.
Canna Law Blog
MARCH 2, 2019
On February 27, 2019 both the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) and the United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) provided new insights and guidance related to their proposed regulatory processes for hemp under the 2018 Farm Bill. I will summarize these agency statements below, and give some context for what hemp and CBD businesses can expect in the near term.
MARCH 5, 2019
Cannabidiol ( CBD ), the non-psychoactive cannabinoid praised for medicinal powers like reducing the severity and frequency of seizures in children suffering from rare and otherwise untreatable forms of epilepsy, may not be the most medically beneficial molecule found in cannabis, according to new data. The U.S. government and people who are uncomfortable with the high that is produced by the main psychoactive cannabinoid occurring in cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), have accepted CBD with
MARCH 8, 2019
The case is the latest where overseas money backed illicit cannabis-growing operations in places where the plant is legal for adults, prosecutors said. The post Feds Say Illegal California Cannabis Grow Was Funded by Chinese appeared first on Leafly.
MARCH 7, 2019
Today, we stood with Representatives Tulsi Gabbard and Don Young as they introduced the Ending Federal Prohibition Act and Marijuana Data Collection Act. While these two bills are overtly about addressing the failures of marijuana prohibition, what they are truly about is accepting reality. This legislation is about accepting political reality. Currently, ten states and the District of Columbia have legalized the adult use of marijuana and thirty-three states and DC have medical marijuana progra
Cannabis Cheri
MARCH 6, 2019
Dear Cheri, How much marijuana to a stick of butter? . OR. How much marijuana should I use for a cup of oil? . OR. What’s a good amount of marijuana butter to use in my pot brownies? I get variations on these questions all the time and my answer is always the same: I have no idea. You didn’t give me nearly enough information to give you any kind of meaningful advice.
The Fresh Toast
MARCH 4, 2019
Medical Marijuana Can Help Your Stress-Induced Depression A 2015 study suggests that cannabis might help offset stress-induced depression. Cannabis could potentially help stabilize mood. The post Medical Marijuana Can Help Your Stress-Induced Depression appeared first on The Fresh Toast.
MARCH 7, 2019
Leafly sponsors the festival's first-ever cannabis track, featuring 44 events over three days. Not attending? No problem—don't miss our on-the-ground coverage! The post This Year’s SXSW Festival Has a Top-Shelf Cannabis Lineup appeared first on Leafly.
MARCH 8, 2019
Welcome to the latest edition of NORML’s Weekly Legislative Roundup! This week, a bipartisan coalition of more than 100 co-sponsors has reintroduced legislation in Congress, The Secure and Fair Enforcement Banking Act (SAFE Banking Act), HR 1595, to allow state-licensed marijuana-related businesses to engage freely in relationships with banks and other financial institutions.
Canna Law Blog
MARCH 7, 2019
In the last few weeks, we have received a growing number of inquiries pertaining to the legality of smokable products infused with cannabidiol derived from industrial hemp (“CBD Smokables”), including vape pens and pre-rolled hemp flower joints. This post provides a brief overview of the current legal status of these products. As we have discussed on several occasions ( here and here ), the U.S.
The Fresh Toast
MARCH 5, 2019
More Delays In The Farce That Is International Cannabis Rescheduling Members of the United Nations’ drug committee have said they will not cast an expected ballot on the recommendations put forward by the World Health Organization (WHO) to loosen the draconian rules on cannabis scheduling. The post More Delays In The Farce That Is International Cannabis Rescheduling appeared first on The Fresh Toast.
MARCH 4, 2019
An estimated 64,000 jobs were added in 2018, making cannabis the nation's fastest-growing industry. Download Leafly's report and state-by-state analysis. The post As of 2019, Legal Cannabis Has Created 211,000 Full-Time Jobs in America appeared first on Leafly.
MARCH 4, 2019
In the Texas State Capitol Building, dozens of patients joined us to ask their legislators to coauthor legislation that makes the Texas Compassionate Use Program more inclusive and effective. HB 1365 (authored by Rep Lucio, III) and SB90 (authored by Sen Menendez) would allow patients with debilitating conditions access to medical cannabis to therapeutically treat the symptoms of their condition.
Canna Law Blog
MARCH 4, 2019
Did UCANN really get USTPO coverage for prior art? About six months ago, we posted news of the first ever cannabis patent infringement case. As a reminder, the case was initiated by United Cannabis Corporation (“UCANN”) in the United States District Court, District of Colorado against its in-state competitor, Pure Hemp Collective Inc. (“Pure Hemp”).
The Fresh Toast
MARCH 3, 2019
How This Senior Dog Was Saved With Medical Marijuana Sweet Georgia Brown, my 14-year-old dog, had a stroke. We were on our daily walk to the park when she suddenly couldn’t stand. The post How This Senior Dog Was Saved With Medical Marijuana appeared first on The Fresh Toast.
MARCH 4, 2019
A growing number of colleges are adding cannabis to the curriculum to prepare graduates for careers cultivating, researching, analyzing, and marketing the herb. The post Want to Get a Degree in Cannabis? Here’s Where to Start appeared first on Leafly.
Otherside Farms
MARCH 6, 2019
Are mason jars the best stash jars for Cannabis? Most people in our survey said yes. Maybe you’re one of them who agrees? If so, you’re going to love MasonBrite’s patent-pending mason jar lid that is revolutionizing the viewing & storing experience for thousands of flower connoisseurs like yourself. MasonBrite™ is the world’s only airtight LED magnification lid for mason jars.
Kind Meds (Cannabis Education Blog)
MARCH 7, 2019
Cooking your own cannabis edibles can save money and be a fun way to create concoctions to enjoy cannabis. You may want to make cannabutter or cannaoil to use in future cooking projects, or dabble in more difficult recipes such as cannabis-infused sugar or latkes. Either way, make sure you avoid these seven common cannabis cooking mistakes. Cooking With Raw Cannabis.
The Fresh Toast
MARCH 6, 2019
7 Ways CBD-Rich Cannabis Can Help Prevent Disease Since CBD and other compounds in cannabis are so similar to the chemicals created by our own bodies, they are integrated better than many synthetic drugs. The post 7 Ways CBD-Rich Cannabis Can Help Prevent Disease appeared first on The Fresh Toast.
MARCH 6, 2019
What do all Kush strains have in common? Most consumers report that these strains provide a dreamy, euphoric, relaxing experience. We compared their terpene profiles in search of an explanation. The post Which Terpenes Are Found in ‘Kush’ Cannabis Strains? appeared first on Leafly.
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