Cannabinoids & Cancer in the Clinic
Project CBD
AUGUST 3, 2020
An oncologist and an osteopath discuss cannabis therapy for cancer patients.
Project CBD
AUGUST 3, 2020
An oncologist and an osteopath discuss cannabis therapy for cancer patients.
AUGUST 4, 2020
Some opponents of marijuana policy reform have manipulated the Speaker’s comments to imply that she was opining that cannabis therapy has been proven specifically to be successful for the treatment of COVID-19. The post McConnell Misleads on Marijuana appeared first on NORML.
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AUGUST 6, 2020
Yes, people are in prison just for marijuana. Here are their names and what you can do to help release them. The post You can help free America’s cannabis prisoners. Here’s how appeared first on Leafly.
Cannabis Life Network
AUGUST 2, 2020
The cannabis industry is thriving and is expected to grow further in the coming years. A big factor that led to this growth is the change in legal stance when it comes to cannabis, where medical cannabis has been legalized in 33 US states and 10 other states besides D.C. have legalized its recreational use. […]. The post What It’s Like To Work In The Cannabis Industry appeared first on Latest Cannabis News Today - Headlines, Videos & Stocks.
Speaker: Jonathan Bench, International Cannabis and Securities Business Attorney at Harris Bricken
The U.S. cannabis industry is still in its infancy, even though states began engaging with legalization in one form or another in the late 1990s. Today, many opportunities exist for individuals and businesses that want to engage in the industry. Some want to directly own licensed businesses, while others prefer to keep the industry at an arm’s length and merely profit from it.
Project CBD
AUGUST 3, 2020
An oncologist and an osteopath discuss cannabis therapy for cancer patients.
Medical Cannabis Brief brings together the best content for patients and advocates from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
AUGUST 6, 2020
Check out this new way to dab cannabis, which seeks to revolutionize concentrate usage, dosing, and reliability. The post Dabbing gets cleaner and more high tech with DabTabs appeared first on Leafly.
Cannabis Life Network
AUGUST 4, 2020
Most Marijuana plants are grown in soil, but there is another way… Agriculture of the future is using nutrients from fish to grow Marijuana. How can a fish grow Marijuana? Well, it involves two components that share the same water. One is the fish, and the other being the plants, which are grown symbiotically in […]. The post Agriculture of the Future?
The Fresh Toast
AUGUST 3, 2020
Thyroid-Related Headaches And CBD: A New Solution To An Old Problem. With so many bodily functions relying on one teeny gland, the function of the thyroid is paramount to your well-being — mind, body, and spirit. The post Thyroid-Related Headaches And CBD: A New Solution To An Old Problem appeared first on The Fresh Toast.
AUGUST 3, 2020
Get registered ?. Check or change your current registration ?. Request an absentee ballot ?. Easily access our candidate database ?. Spread the word ???. The post Vote For Marijuana In 2020 appeared first on NORML.
AUGUST 5, 2020
Yes, axe-wielding Amazons were real women of antiquity, and they also had a strong cannabis culture. Here’s what we know about ancient Scythian women. The post For these ancient warrior women, cannabis was a part of everyday life appeared first on Leafly.
Cannabis Life Network
AUGUST 1, 2020
Do you love your hair? I know I do! Now if you don’t love your hair then keep scrolling but, if you’re like me and you do, KEEP READING. In this article, we are going to discuss all things hemp oil and healthy hair. The Difference Between Hemp Oil & Hemp Seed Oil Before we […]. The post The Benefits of Using Hemp Oil and Hemp Seed Oil On Your Hair appeared first on Latest Cannabis News Today - Headlines, Videos & Stocks.
AUGUST 3, 2020
New laws expanding the medical marijuana program in Louisiana went into effect on August 1. The state’s medical marijuana program has been criticized for being too limited and too restrictive since the program was established in 2016, but the three laws that went into effect on Saturday aim to improve the situation. Louisiana’s medical marijuana program may have been established three years ago, but patients were not granted access to medicine until August of 2019 when the first round of the pro
AUGUST 4, 2020
Sales of adult-use cannabis products in Illinois rose over 20 percent in July to reach a record high. The post Illinois: Retail Cannabis Sales Surge Over 20 Percent Month-Over-Month appeared first on NORML.
AUGUST 5, 2020
Some unusual colors can appear in cannabis: red, pink, purple, and even blue. Check out these unique, colorful strains at the top of our list. The post 5 picture-worthy cannabis strains with unique colors appeared first on Leafly.
Cannabis Law Report
AUGUST 7, 2020
Hemp Industry Daily report… Hemp growers in Portugal got some long-awaited clarity on cultivation oversight this week after legislation naming the country’s regulatory bodies for … Read More.
AUGUST 6, 2020
Click to Sign Petition. Cancer symptoms don’t stop when patients cross state lines. Children with epilepsy don’t quit having seizures because they’re on vacation. And the millions of Americans who visit Florida each year don’t stop needing medication simply because they take a picture with Mickey Mouse. Yet, patients with a medical marijuana card authorized by another state are currently prohibited from using medical marijuana while visiting Florida – one of the most popu
Cannabis Life Network
AUGUST 2, 2020
There once was a time when cannabis was a popular medicinal substance carried in pharmacies across the U.S. and farmers were even given government incentives to grow hemp. Fast forward a few decades, marijuana drug became classified as a Schedule 1 substance. It is the most restrictive category for substances with “no currently accepted medical […].
AUGUST 4, 2020
Scientists can manipulate substances at the atomic scale, giving them very different properties. Here's how nanomedicine can be applied to cannabinoids for health benefits. The post How can nanomedicine be applied to cannabis? appeared first on Leafly.
Cannabis Law Report
AUGUST 7, 2020
South African Cabinet officials have advanced a bill legalizing the adult use of cannabis; the measure comes three years after a High Court ruling declared … Read More.
AUGUST 5, 2020
When you’re new to the world of medical marijuana (or hemp or cannabis), you will read and hear it called a huge number of names. “Marijuana” is the most common term, especially as many state programs use the term “medical marijuana”. To make it simple, this blog defines the three most common terms, “cannabis”, “hemp” and “marijuana”. What is Cannabis?
Cannabis Life Network
AUGUST 7, 2020
The road to Oliver Tree’s debut album “Ugly is Beautiful” is a bittersweet story of how the inner workings of the music industry can destroy an artist. A Brief History As a kid, Oliver grew up in a musical household, both his parents were musicians, and he has been playing music since the age of […]. The post The Ugly Beautiful rise and retirement of Oliver Tree appeared first on Latest Cannabis News Today - Headlines, Videos & Stocks.
AUGUST 4, 2020
One year after the national VAPI outbreak, Oregon moves to ban artificial vape flavors. It's not just vitamin E oil. The post VAPI anniversary: Killer chemicals still on the streets appeared first on Leafly.
Cannabis Law Report
AUGUST 6, 2020
So let’s just be honest – Becoming a budtender at your local dispensary seems like it’d be a pretty sweet gig, right? “Gets paid to … Read More.
Miss Marijuana
AUGUST 5, 2020
By: Alauna Alford. CBD options are now available for many pet owners looking for THC-free products to alleviate stress and pain for their pets. CBD oil and treats for pets are becoming more popular as a holistic solution for pain and stress relief. Cannabidiol known as CBD is an active cannabinoid compound found in leaves, flowers, and stems of a cannabis plant. .
Cannabis Life Network
AUGUST 6, 2020
Are you a Vegan who loves edibles but, hasn’t been able to find any companies that currently provide this? Search no more! In this article, I am going to highlight some amazing vegan edibles right at your fingertips. Baked Goods + Chocolates Of course, we have to have a separate section for the cookies and […]. The post Here is a list of the Best Vegan Edibles You Can Order Online appeared first on Latest Cannabis News Today - Headlines, Videos & Stocks.
AUGUST 3, 2020
WTF, Albany? In the past year, police made 134 cannabis arrests. Only four were white people. The post Black residents made up 97% of marijuana arrests in New York state capital appeared first on Leafly.
Cannabis Law Report
AUGUST 2, 2020
Hemp Industry Daily reports. Swiss customs officials have returned approximately CHF 33 million ($36 million) to low-THC cannabis flower producers and sellers after a court … Read More.
AUGUST 6, 2020
Sean Worsley served his country in war-ravaged Iraq by clearing roadside explosives. He returned home with a purple medal bearing George Washington’s face, and a lifetime of pain stemming from the post-traumatic stress disorder, and the traumatic brain injury he acquired while overseas. Now Sean feels that he’s “being thrown away by a country he went and served for.”.
Cannabis Life Network
AUGUST 1, 2020
High Hemp Herbal Wraps are the first-ever all organic herbal wraps. Meaning it doesn't contain any traces of nicotine, tobacco, or toxic additives. The post Product Feature: High Hemp Herbal Wraps appeared first on Latest Cannabis News Today - Headlines, Videos & Stocks.
AUGUST 5, 2020
Move as quickly as the cannabis industry, printing variable data on demand. The post Handheld inkjet printers keep cannabis companies compliant–and agile appeared first on Leafly.
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